Our Techs are Top of The Class
Your teachers know their stuff and staff know your students. Be confident your DOC specialist has trained hard to know what to do and how to do it when it comes to your electro-mechanical and machinery needs. Our manufacturer-certified technicians specialize in break-fix repairs, planned maintenance, total cost of ownership programs, and inventory management.
Manufacturer-Certified Technicians
Break-Fix Repairs
Planned Maintenance
24/7/365 Customer Support
You Can Rely On
It may take all semester for your students to learn their lessons. Yet you don’t want to wait that long for necessary repairs or for a technician to take care of your equipment maintenance. Our 24/7/365 customer support quickly dispatches skilled techs to keep your mission-critical equipment running reliably.
Our National Team of Technicians Installs, Services + Maintains:
Industrial Cleaning
HVACR Equipment & Systems

We Study Up on Your Equipment
Traditional technician care & data insights with DOC Services
DOC Services does its research. We use technology to track all our processes offering you full visibility into response time, total time completion, first trip completion, and average invoice cost. Learn about your repair types, parts usage, equipment age, and machine condition trends leveraging our data. We’ll share insights to understand total cost of ownership, continuously assess inventory levels, and support preventative maintenance efforts.